LS2J memory leak
By Kim Greene Published By BleedYellow
I was recently doing some performance work for a customer and noticed in analyzing their memory checks and memory dumps there was a memory leak. The applicatio ...
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Beyond e-mail: Capitalizing on your Domino investment
By Kim Greene Published By IBM Systems Magazine
Whether or not you already have IBM Lotus Domino, you should read this article. While the most popular use of Domino is e-mail, the product has an incredibly ri ...
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The Importance of DDM Probes: Identify and optimize the agents stealing your memory
By Kim Greene Published By IBM Systems Magazine
Domino Domain Monitoring (DDM) provides an automated way to determine your server health. You can activate several probes in many different categories. The prob ...
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Open a New Door for Your Business: Lotus and Zend boast active open-source communities
By Kim Greene Published By IBM Systems Magazine
In a word, open source is collaboration. More specifically, it’s public collaboration on a software project. Companies adopt open source to save money and to us ...
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Domino Web Service Application Development for the IBM eServer iSeries Server
By Kim Greene Published By IBM Redbooks
"Contextual collaboration" is a new term whirling in the industry today. This phenomenal new type of business asset can be realized by two major mechanisms: the ...
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